Monday, October 5, 2009


It! The Terror from Beyond Space (1958) The title and the monster suit are the weak points of this archetypal space monster movie from Edward L. Cahn and actual SF writer Jerome Bixby. It's 1973 ; people still smoke unfiltered cigs in space and the female crewmembers, a doctor and a scientist, still clear away the dishes and pour the coffee. The action takes place in a well-realized multi-level spacecraft with that magical space gravity that requires no explanation. Low dark ceilings and lots of shadows add to the oppression of being trapped in a box with an impregnable thing with big claws that will rip you up and suck all the fluids out of your body. Nice scene of walking down the side of the ship as it zips past the stars, all-around adequate production. Never gets really exciting, but it's fun to see every thirty years or so. 7/10