Friday, November 13, 2009

A Conversation

This is a conversation, recorded as accurately as I can remember it, between me (K) and my wife (D) which took place this morning. It just shows how complicated things can be when two people have completely different styles of communication.

K: (watching D check her email) How many emails do you get per day?
D: Well, the spam all goes into the spam box, but regular emails I get maybe 20 or 30.
K: So how many is that total per day?
D: Oh, that's just in the morning. In the afternoon...
K: Total.
D: Oh. Spams I get about...
K: My question is, (very slowly and clearly) "How many EMAILS do you get PER DAY?" Hundreds?
D: Per day? Hundreds, yes.
K: Hundreds. Thank you.