Friday, April 9, 2010


The Sky Crawlers (2008) Animated aerial combat fantasy based on a series of popular novels, taking place in that eurostyle neo-retro alternate world the Japanese like so much. The style in these days of digital animation is to do machinery and landscapes in 3D while keeping characters to a conventional anime' 2D look with painted backgrounds, and it blends pretty well. The flight scenes are photorealistic and goose-bump inducing - in fact it has the most thrilling and chilling first two minutes I have ever seen in a movie. At two hours, considering the slow pacing of the land-based story, it is very long and the Big Mystery apparent from the beginning turned out to be exactly what I expected. If you like this sort of thing, maybe look for something a little shorter or more interesting. I suggest Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise. 5/10