Thursday, May 6, 2010


The Island (2005) Now I know what "A Michael Bay Film" means. This is like Logans' Run only they are clones and when they Win the Lottery and get to go to The Island it means they are really going to be harvested. Then they escape from the city and find out that everything they thought was true isn't really true at all!!!! The Good Guys, three year old clones educated to the level of a fifteen year old is what they say in the movie, can evade the most highly trained hunter-killers on earth, get shot at a million times and fall off a 70 story building and only get a little scratch on the forehead. If you like to see people running while yelling GO GO GO!! and lots of "really cool" car crashes, lots of stuff getting blown up and crashing down and people yelling RUN, RUN!! and hitting other people with wrenches and lots and lots of shooting from helicopters and cars and trucks and jet bikes, and you like a movie that half of it is just a video game with a permanent techno drum solo soundtrack and every other shot is a tracking orbiting crane shot then you will like this movie and you are an idiot. 4/10 and that's just because about 40 percent of it was actually kind of cool, just the other 60 percent was for teenage boys. Stupid ones. Another director for my shit list.