Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Le orme [Footprints] (1975) Italian psychodrama. A woman discovers she has lost three days and one earring, and finds a torn postcard from a Turkish hotel on the kitchen floor. Is she really being persecuted by a malicious science organization headed by mad scientist Klaus Kinski, that abandoned a man to suffocate on the moon - or was it just a movie she saw? Not a strong story but what appealed to me was the photography, the settings and the muted colors. The protagonist (Florinda Bolkan) almost always wears the same color as her surroundings, and her sculptural face and silent expressions of puzzlement and dread were fascinating. Dreamlike and unsettling, although not entirely satisfactory. I wouldn't mind seeing what else director Luigi Bazzoni has done. 7/10

Finding the mysterious postcard.

The Monitors (1969) Screwball science fiction comedy made in Chicago by Second City, based on a Keith Laumer novel. The Monitors are here to help us, but we don't want to be helped. Unique, experimental, radical hippie propaganda. Co-star Susan Oliver was never much of an actress, but CUTE. Avery Schreiber and Keenan Wynn add to the joy, and Larry Storch in drag should not be missed. The whole production is eccentric enough not to get too boring, and it is punctuated by oddball cameos, including Senator Everett Dirksen. Sprung it on Donna as a surprise, and she thanked me. 8/10