Sunday, February 6, 2011

Family Movie Night

After many trials and tribulations with a digital file we ended up watching a dollar DVD off the bookshelf. Lovers and Liars (1979) was directed by Mario Monicelli, and stars Goldie Hawn and Giancarlo Giannini. It seems completely trivial at first, and doesn't follow common story conventions of presenting a problem and following through to a solution - instead it is a eurostyle character study of two completely opposite people thrown together by whim and trying to find common ground. She's a stereotypically American '70s open and honest free spirit, he's an old fashioned Italian lustful louse who'd rather concoct an atrocious deception than come out with the simple truth about anything. It's loaded with local color and cultural detail, being shot mostly on location in distinctively Italian locales, but not that kind of "golden sunset in Tuscany" lyrical crap. Maybe I am nuts but I found it to be significantly better and more sophisticated in concept and execution than most movies I have ever seen, and I think it should be more widely known. 8/10

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