Sunday, September 11, 2011


Smarty (1934)  Joan Blondell is cast out of type as a manipulative upper-class featherbrain who goads husband Warren William to violence in this rather unsettling divorce farce. The message of the film is stated in so many words, by a woman, that some women need to be socked in the jaw to bring them into line and the unfortunate thing is that he didn't do it sooner and more often.  This whole movie is looking to be slapped down for its advocation of violence and adultery.  Blondell is as toothsome as always, especially in a black backless gown which her exasperated ex yanks off of her in one swift motion, but the role is outside of her range.  There are any number of actresses who could have done this irritating nitwit role to perfection, but Joan is the wrong choice for it.  On the plus side there is a fashion show at a high end couturier where the styles are pushed just beyond the brink of absurdity, and plenty of leg, back and negligee throughout.  Edward Everett Horton and Frank McHugh lend a hand but in the end this was just wrong.  Especially the end.  4/10

Watch Out, We're Mad (1974) Bud Spencer and Terence Hill just want their dune buggy replaced by the gangsters who crashed and burned it, or they will get mad.  They eventually do get mad. Watch out. Utterly moronic with no pretensions of being anything else.  Starts right off with a kind of motocross race for cars with lots and lots of jumping, rolling, crashing vehicles.  Mindless violence and ludicrous brawls, and Donald Pleasence behaving absolutely idiotically.  It was exactly what I needed to see at the time and I tittered giddily.  6/10
Hey mister, your car's on fire.

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