Wednesday, February 15, 2012


For part of my evening's edutainment I chose a poverty row crime comedy from the 1940s and a cavemen and dinosaurs move from the 1960s.  What are the odds that I. Stanford Jolley would be in both? 100%.  Here he is (on the right) in Shake Hands With Murder (1944), a Producers Releasing Corporation cheapie which gave a rare starring role to brassy character Iris Adrian: 

Here he is in Valley of the Dragons (1961), a weird conversion of Verne's Off on a Comet into a formulaic caveman movie which re-uses the same giant lizard and cataclysm footage as a dozen others of its ilk:

Who the hell is I. Stanford Jolley anyway?  I don't know.  It was his initialized name and his sorrowful eyebrows (hardly conducive or representative of jollity) which attracted my attention a few years ago and now he pops up every once in a while as a rainsoaked desperate character, a family court judge, the leader of  a criminal gang, a businessman, a caveman.  The Curse of I. Stanford Jolley is that there is no Curse of  I. Stanford Jolley.  That is all I can tell you about I. Stanford Jolley.

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