Saturday, April 7, 2012


When we first moved into our house I fulfilled a life-long dream.  Not the one about riding the bus naked, the one of  having my own copies of the Zallinger murals, an artistic inspiration from my youth.  I acquired multiple copies of the Time-Life World We Live In books and assembled the murals, gluing them up in our kitchen where they remain to this day.  The murals were brought to my attention again today, when I was sharing a link to the Peabody Museum where the originals stand.  I found to my astonishment that all the online references to the Age of Mammals mural seem to feature a dynamic auburn mammoth with huge curling tusks.  This one:

Here is the same section of the mural, or A mural of some kind, as it exists on my wall:
Similar, but different.  What the hell is the deal here?  I don't know.

1 comment:

Doc Martian said...

Those museum people will never tell the truth about prehistory. They can't get funding if they start going off about leg sac jets and freezing vapor ducts. Hell they barely can get funding claiming we're descended from apes. If they told the truth about that, they'd have to like have snooki and free beer to get people to visit.