Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My collection of crazy animal stories by Victor Pazmino is now available to download as a ZIP file or as a CBZ file. It is also available for download from the Digital Comic Museum, but you may need to sign in to be able to access it.  I find I have misspelled Guayaquil, in the biographical information, for which I apologize but I am not going to go back and fix it now.  I will just have to look like an ignoramus. This is the kind of thing it is and I think you will find it is some pretty nutty stuff:


Tim said...

HAW! I knew you would do all my collecting for me!

Kip W said...

Tip for scanning thin pages with stuff on both sides: Put something black behind it. I made a black sheet by leaving the top up on the photocopier at work. I did both sides because I wasn't paying for toner. Then I laminated it.

Scanner makers should make the top black instead of white.