Thursday, April 29, 2010


Starcrash 2 (1981) So re-named because it recycles a few minutes of space model shots and a few props from Starcrash. It is not a sequel to a low-budget High Camp post-starwars Italian space epic, but a cheap swipe from it. Hero and heroine fleeing hilariously costumed glitter-bearded villain land on planet where they encounter for the first time such things as water, eating, and casual sex. Every space set needs panels of blinking lights, but in this case they blink incessantly, needlessly and repetitively with no pretense of functionality - symbolizing the flawed mindset of the entire weak production. Even I could make a better movie than this. Really should not exist. 2/10 for a few unintended laughs.

Taxidermia (2006) If I had known what sort of thing this was going to be I might not have watched it. Depicts more things I never wanted to see than any movie of recent memory. It displays scenes from the lives of a competitive eater in communist Hungary and his disappointingly scrawny taxidermist son. The sort of movie that makes you say, "Oh, they have specially designed frameworks to lean on while vomiting!" A visceral experience in that you actually see lots of real viscera, as well as excreta and ejaculate. Kind of good in a horrible way, extremely well-made and convincing in the presentation its deranged premise. 7/10 for sheer daring.

Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988) Post-apocalyptic action sex comedy. One of the best of that genre. Fairly witty, well-made, good frog-mutant makeup/prosthetics/animatronics. 8/10