Monday, May 17, 2010


Tomorrow I Will Wake Up and Scald Myself With Tea (1977) Czechoslovakian time travel comedy. In the near future, time rockets take people on trips to view historical periods and events. A group of Nazis, kept young by rejuvenation pills, plot to hijack a time rocket and take a stolen miniature hydrogen bomb to Hitler so he will win the war. It would succeed except that the scoundrelly pilot who was in on the scheme choked to death on his breakfast roll and his identical twin brother, a mild-mannered engineer who designed the time rockets, envious of his brother's thrilling lifestyle, pretends it was himself who died and takes his brother's place as pilot. Then it gets complicated. The usual going back and trying to fix things ensues. A low-key, witty and inventive story, and a unique approach to the time travel film. Deserves to be more widely known. 8/10