Thursday, October 14, 2010


The Guatemalan Handshake (2006) A Quirky Independent Film (QIF). I ordered this from the library because I saw a review that said it embodied everything that's wrong with Indy Film. I'd go even farther and say that it is the standard by which all QIFs should be judged. It has more quirk in the first five minutes than most other films have in their whole runtime. Doofy looking goobers with bad haircuts who dress funny and stand, squinting. An Eccentric Vehicle. An inexplicably multi-ethnic family. Hyperactive and/or deranged secondary characters. Voice-over by a child. 1970s furniture. Abrupt insertion of a plaintive duet. Incident and oddity instead of story and character. I admit I quit after half of it had wandered aimlessly by, because it really didn't matter whether I finished watching it or not. Comes in a two disc set, the second being short films by the filmmaker, and by people in the movie who were either into filmmaking before, or got into filmmaking after being in this movie. I didn't watch any of them, or read the booklet either. 10/10 but not in a good way, just because it is the absolute ideal of its kind.

Oh look. Trading Cards.

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