Friday, November 19, 2010


White Noise (2005) The EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) movie. Michael Keaton is the bereaved yuppie everyman seeking contact with his late wife by watching hours of blank videotapes. There is quite a lot of that very sad music of a lonely piano and soft violins. They manage to make a pretty good scare story out of a guy turning himself into an obsessive crank watching static on five screens at once, and it's well produced and directed but overall forgettable. 5/10

Gigantes Planetarios (1965) From the perpetrators of El Planeta de las mujeres invasoras, using some of the same actors, props, sets and locations, as well as some sets and costumes from what must have been a Jesus movie. Also involves earthpeople going to another planet to depose a dictator, but not as good because it isn't a planet of scantily clad women. Made me sleepy. 3/10

Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Considering that I hate zombie movies it is rather surprising that I like the Resident Evil movies. What I don't like is just taking the NOTLD format of a bunch of people trapped somewhere shooting zombies in the head, and trying to "up the annie" on it with more and bigger everything. Resident Evil adds a layer of sci fi concept to it, as well as the natural charm of Milla Jovovich kicking raw-meat zombie dogs to pieces. She looked like they were doing a lot of digital smoothing on her face in this one though, as she had a pretty unreal look at times. While the second movie was pretty weak, this had quite a few moments of imaginative grotesqueness, like the protagonist encountering a trench full of the hundreds of rotting corpses of her clones. Good for when you don't want to have to think much and just watch stuff. 6/10

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