Sunday, October 2, 2011


This week, SUNDAY WEBCOMIC proudly presents SUNDAY WEBCOMIC, an online webcomic about SUNDAY WEBCOMIC.  I even joined an online webcomic site so as to present it in its appropriate context with the appended apology and explanation requisite for such an endeavor.

Perhaps you, unaccustomed as you are to the total immersion experience of online webcomics necessary for me to bring you such quality selections each week, did not know that Stick Man is an actual genre of online webcomics.  An entire semi-ironic genre of comics consisting of crudely scribbled stick figures, more often than not making jokes appropriate to the college dormitory environment in which they are most frequently created.  Who would have thought of such a thing?  And yet, Sticktown seems to take it another unexpected step beyond mere irony to... something else.

Then, to show exactly what really makes my brain go DOING, please enjoy the noteworthy Old Hickory Blog, whatever it is.

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