Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Secret Power by Marie Corelli

Marie Corelli was an extremely popular Victorian author of occult and metaphysical romances, and many of her books were reprinted in inexpensive odd-size paperback by flying saucer guru Ray Palmer's Amherst press, of which this is one. This was a VERY hard book to finish because it is so atrociously written. People are constantly delivering impassioned monologues about LOVE. Still I wanted to see where she would go with her protagonists, a male supergenius living in a hermit shack in California who created some sort of superweapon to end war forever, and a female supergenius in a palace in Italy who created a fabulous airship to find the legendary Brazen City in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Not nearly as exciting as it sounds - sometimes I could only read a couple of pages before becoming exhausted at all the dozens of exclamation points. Pretty awful, especially compared with the readability of Steinbeck.