Monday, December 13, 2010


Endhiran the Robot (2010) Indian scifi action musical romantic comedy in which I Robot becomes a Matrix of Terminators. He can cook, dance, beat up a whole gang of thugs, help you cheat on your exams, talk to mosquitos, and fall in love with his creator's girlfriend, and is transformed by the Bad Guy into the insane dictator of an army of his replicas. Fantastically colorful and elaborate musical numbers, including one filmed at Machu Picchu. Not some digital greenscreen Machu Picchu - they actually filmed it there. One minute they're laughing on the beach and the next they are dancing and singing in the Andes with dozens of dancers in pseudo-inca garb. Indian movies are intended to be fun and make you feel good. There were some really imaginative sequences throughout, and it was entertaining as it could possibly be. I like fun. I like seeing a giant robot made of robots give a "thumbs up" where the thumb is a robot giving a "thumbs up." For over 2 1/2 hours of pure crazy stupid fun, 10/10

Look! A giant snake made of robots, biting a helicopter!

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