Friday, January 14, 2011

A simple solution to the "gun problem."

Gun ownership is a clear indicator of stupidity. Owning guns doesn't make people stupid; being stupid makes people own guns. Only a very few gun owners are not stupid. They are crazy. If you own a gun, or want to own a gun, or think owning a gun is a good idea, you may be crazy, but you are probably just stupid. Or you may be both. If you own a gun, or want to own a gun, or think owning a gun is a good idea, and you think you are not stupid, you may be crazy, but you are probably just wrong. Because you are stupid. If you disagree with this assessment, you are wrong; maybe because you are crazy but probably just because you are stupid. The solution to the "gun problem" is this - if you own a gun or want to own a gun, you are too stupid or crazy to be permitted to own one. Probably just stupid. Problem solved.

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