Sunday, September 18, 2011


Way back in the middle of the 20th century was when I first learned to cherish the experience of the Sunday Comics.  Lying on the floor with a vast expanse of  colors and words spread before me I puzzled my way through such enigmas as Ferd'nand, The Little King and Henry.  I would come to the breakfast table with my elbows blackened by printer's ink and my brain dulled by the inexplicable antics of those strange silent characters.  I cannot come to your home and daub your elbows with grime once a week but I can do it to your brain.

What makes a really good choice for a SUNDAY WEBCOMIC for me is not just the quality of the work itself, but the quality of the apologies and explanations the artists attach to them.  The creator of this SUNDAY WEBCOMIC called Think About It keeps his explanations and apologies short, like what the comics theirselves are.

Another sterling quality that makes a great SUNDAY WEBCOMIC is choice of subject matter.  NaggyNerd seems to be entirely about video game characters.  I have heard of some of them, but I have never seen any of them being played and certainly have never played them myself, so it's kind of interesting to me to see.  I like to think of someone out there thinking this stuff is hilarious because they know what it is about.

As a special added bonus I am adding this special bonus in addition to the preceding two strips, specially, as a bonus.  Ferd'nand is still being created far off in lonely Denmark or somewhere and one may not only enjoy the comic itself, but the special added bonus of seeing people try to figure it out or explain it to each other, just like when I used to ask my Mom and she would as often as not be as puzzled as I was.

Go wash your elbows and come to the table.

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