Thursday, June 17, 2010


Rongraem Narok [Country Hotel] (1957) Extremely long (2hr 18min) and slowly paced Thai film. It seems like the film version of a one set stage play - Paradise Hotel has one bedroom, occupied by an accountant who is there to pick up the payroll for a nearby factory. Its lobby is also a rehearsal space for local musical groups who drop in and play a song every once in a while. Then a pretty girl arrives, followed by bandits, and there is conflict. It took me days to get through this because everyone likes to think for about five seconds before they say their lines, and the pacing is absolutely deadly. Slightly educational without being very entertaining. 4/10

Holiday on the Buses (1973) Third and last of the On the Buses movies - main characters all lose their jobs with the bus company and find new ones at a Holiday Camp, which is what made this of interest to me. British holiday camps are a mass vacation experience with excursions, entertainment, swimming, dances etc. like what you would get on a cruise ship only more like a huge motel behind iron gates - a kind of Auschwitz of fun. I don't suppose they are nowadays what they once were. They are also a bit of a secret outside of their island home and therefore interesting to me. Otherwise it's just a mess of comedic situations. It seems that the protagonist must suffer some form of genital torture in each of the films as he tries and fails to have sex with beautiful women who somehow find him extremely attractive. In this one he gets his groin shocked by an electric fence and has his ass boiled in a soup kettle and then fried on a griddle of eggs. I'm glad I don't have to watch more of these. 4/10 for educational value.